
Center for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at Shih Hsin University (CTC)

 聯絡方式 中心網站

「世新大學華語文教學中心」(CTC) 成立於2014年11月。我們的近程目標是為就讀於本校的外籍學生,及世新大學姐妹校的交換學生,提供華語文課程。同時,我們積極為世新大學的畢業同學提供一個新的學習及就業管道,那就是對外華語文教學,或者稱對外漢語教學 (teaching Chinese as a second language)。更重要的是,我們規劃組織一個教學團隊,成立「世新大學暑期中文學校」,向世界各國大學開放,歡迎他們在暑期外派學生團體到亞洲來學中文時,把我們的華語文中心列為優先考慮。這個暑期中文學校的願景,就是美國明德大學Middlebury College暑期中文學校的規模。未來我們將提供暑期8周的密集中文訓練課程。

Center for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Shih Hsin University

Introduction to the Center:

Center for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Shih Hsin University, was founded in November, 2014. Our immediate goal is to provide Chinese language classes for foreign students now studying at Shih Hsin University, such as exchange students from sister schools overseas. Meanwhile, we actively work to provide for our Shih Hsin graduates a new career path–teaching Chinese as a second language. More importantly, we organize a teaching team to start our Chinese Summer School which we open to all colleges worldwide welcoming them to bring their students here to our campus for intensive Chinese language training. Our model is The Middlebury College Summer Language Program in Vermont, USA, and we will offer eight weeks intensive Chinese language courses each summer. Our vision therefore is making the Center for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Shih Hsin University, the future Middlebury in Taiwan.